The Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries have embarked on a beautification project on the Eastpoint Library grounds. This has involved clearing the land and making it ready to build a Gazebo and walkway.
First, thanks to everyone who has contributed to this project. We have been able to accomplish the following:
- The area behind the library has been thinned and cleared. A company was hired to cut away the undesirable trees and bushhog the underbrush, almost all the way to East Bayshore Drive.
- The invasive Chinese Tallow has been eradicated. We noticed a patch and enlisted Cait Snyder from Apalachicola National Estuary Research Reserve (ANERR) to provide expertise. She walked the area and didn't find any other patches or invasive plants (or snakes!). The tallow were treated and are completely gone.
- Four picnic tables have been purchased. Although they are currently in spots at the sides of the library, we will likely move one or some of them to the back when the project is further along.
- The back of the library building has been pressure cleaned. The back receives the most shade and was ugly and detracting from our vision of the beautification we seek!
- A wildflower grant was reviewed. A library patron dropped by a Florida Wildflower Foundation application. The grant specified that the wildflowers had to be planted in a heavily trafficked area, which the back of the library isn't at this time. Also, we had hoped for major involvement from the Master Gardeners who aren't currently available. The grant has been offered for several years and we may look at it again as we get further along.
- The gazebo/pavilion was installed and the walkway completed!
This gazebo and walkway is the result of a process that was dreamed and drawn when the Eastpoint library was first built six years ago. The dream was and is to provide beautification projects to complement the library building. This large project was able to happen thanks to a generous bequest. Future plans for the library grounds include more trails. The Friends is excited to provide this outdoor component that will help to fulfill the mission of access to information and education in an outside setting.