Ever wonder how we keep all those awesome library programs — like adult crafternoons (DIY vanilla extract, pumpkin planters, and oyster shell ornaments), STEM fun (paper plate mazes, straw rockets and more!), book chats, kid's crafts, tech help workshops, and more — completely FREE with all supplies and tools provided?
The secret sauce? It’s YOU! Well, it could be if you join the Friends of the Franklin County Public Libraries. The Friends helps cover the costs for those supplies and tools, making sure our community and visitors can learn, create, connect and have fun without breaking the bank.
Want to help keep the creativity flowing? Join the Friends today! Memberships start at just $20 a year, and every dollar helps make these wonderful programs possible.
Plus you can enjoy some member perks for yourself! Members enjoy:
- Early access to the Soup and Bread portion of the Souper Celebrations: Soup, Bread & Book Sales. (Members can access the food area at 9:30 am. Public at 10 am.)
- Free Friends tote bag giveaway for new members, renewals, and donations for those who have joined in the last couple of months and going forward will get a free tote bag. And a bonus perk members can fill up their tote at the Souper Celebrations: Soup, Bread & Book Sales for just $10.
The Friends of Franklin County Public Libraries is a membership organization dedicated to helping our public libraries and promoting literacy in our community. All memberships are for the calendar year and expire on December 31. All members are invited to the annual meeting and are entitled to vote on new board members. In addition, they receive emails about upcoming events.
If you'd like to help the Friends avoid credit card processing fees, please download a Membership Form and mail a check instead. Make checks payable to Friends of FCPL and mail to PO Box 722, Eastpoint, FL 32328.